Hace ya un par de meses que lo tengo en mis manos pero realmente no había tenido el tiempo de usarlos, hasta este fin de semana que paso.
En ese momento compre solo uno para probar si valían la pena o no y les puedo contar que es todo un éxito. Es muy cómodo de usar, limpiar y además no pega ni quema los dulcitos.
It seems like everything mini is in!
Could it be that we are taking more care of what we eat, is it the economy or is it the fact that every sweet looks so darn cute its tiny version! This might be the reason that everywhere you look you can find little versions of your favorite cakes, pies, doughnuts and the list goes on. I wanted to be in too so I purchased this pan Chicago Metallic Commercial 12-Cup Mini Cheese Cake Pan
When I bought the pan I only purchased one, I wanted to try it out before buying more. All I can say is that its great! It’s easy to use clean and it does not burn or scorch.