Primero que nada quiero desearles una Feliz Navidad y Prospero Ano Nuevo a todos! Que el Señor Todopoderoso derrame su bendiciones sobre ustedes.

First of all I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! May God shed all His blesssings upon you.
Now on to todays post. What do you do with 5 pounds of ruined fruit cake? Truffles!!! Yes, truffles! Today I had a mishap with some fruit cakes I was making. Instead of adding the amount of baking powder I was suppose to I doubled it : (

I prayed so much that the darn things would not go bad but unfortunately they did. At first the rose beautifully but all of the sudden the plubmeted! What was I to do with all that fruit cake gone bad!! All the ingredients were going to end up in the trashcan. Then I reamembered a post on Bakerellas blog where she makes these beautiful cake balls. I decided I was going to turn all that cake into truffles ant that I did. They turn out quite nice I would say.
I did not follow her recipe instead I rolled the cake while it was still warm into small balls. Then I rolled them into melted chocolate and finally dipped them in sprinkles.
Finally I put them into a clear plastic bag and added a little note to each one, Guess what everyone will be getting for christmas!
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